

Queen sitting in the middle of the frame.

Queen sitting in the middle of the frame.


$100 first-time hive placement and installation only

This service is for consultation, placement of the hive, and installation of the bees. 

Additional Initial Start-Up Expenses

Bees - Approx $150 

Hive - $150 - $750

Equipment - Never ending

$300 Yearly Hive care and MAINTENANCE (includes initial placement and installation)

This service includes consultation, placement of the hive, and installation of the bees.  This service also includes maintenance of the hive throughout the year.  Monthly inspections, honey processing,  hive expansion, and treating for mites. (This does not include continuation costs)

Additional possible continuation costs

Expansion hive body - $30

Expansion frames - Approx $30

Jars for bottling honey - Never ending

$50 Aided hive inspections and mite treatment

Already have a hive? Want help with inspections?  Not entirely confident yet.  I am here to help teach and educate you about the bee keeping process.  Or if you only need me to help you treat your hives for mites, I can help you with it all.